Thursday, May 16, 2024

Wednesday 15th May 2024

My first lead for the Wayfarers & it couldn't of gone better.
My group consisting of Brian, the two Sues (F & C), Paula, Gill, Ged, Dave F set off at 10.37 in a southerly direction towards Dorking & Henfold but just before Newdigate we were "encouraged" to dismount & walk our bikes past some "utilty asset works".

I had been aware of this temporary halt in our progress by signs I spotted on my recce but also this website:

But what it doesn't show is whether cyclists have access....dismounted or otherwise.

For that you have to google the location ie "roadworks Newdigate" & hope you can find the required info.

Just before Rusper, we were caught & overtaken by Steve's group consisting Patrick, Andy, Neil W, Dave B, Frances, Peter & Hans.

By now proper lengthy sunny "intervals" had lifted the temperature & we continued to Colgate which despite having a population of over 1,000 has no retail facilties....shops to you & me.

But it does have a pub......& that's all you need some might say.

Grouse Road goes in a southwesterly direction & is 2.3 miles of enjoyable freewheeling through the St Leonards Forest to Bucks Head & past the tranquil Hammer Pond.

Just over a mile from lunch & Paula punctured but a quick pump up we were soon at the White Horse, Maplehurst.

Lunch was consumed alfresco, very pleasant indeed !

The portions looked small but probably reflected the reasonable prices...."Not many places you can get a pint & a sandwich for less than a tenner" says Ged.

After lunch, my group chose the 8½ miles of Downs Link option & this we joined at Copsale.

The pub here closed in 2008, was demolished & replaced with a private house but kept the original pub sign & note the steam train......we are now on a disused railway.

Through Southwater where Sue C had a minor concern with her front (tubeless) tyre, but was resolved with a quick pump.

Ged left us at Christ's Hospital mainline BR station but not before a photo op at the restored original disused station platform on the branch line to Guildford.

I have to confess that I'm interested in this line which suffered because of the Beeching cuts in the 60's & bought a book.

The path has a pretty good surface until you get just beyond Slinfold where the mud is the type that is attracted to the inside of one's Brian found out.
Through Walliswood, Forest Green & that incline called Tanhurst Lane which is always in the top ten for the toughest cycling climbs in Surrey.
As Brian pointed out, the 1 mile climb used to be "littered with pot holes" but depending on what time of year you'll either have leaf fall or a torrent of water if raining.
Dave V had emailed me in the week.
"I rode down Tanhurst Lane today. It was closed and blocked in several places by around 10 trucks. Replacing the drains. I did manage to get past, but only by carrying the bike through the woods and battling with the brambles". 
Today it was just the gradient we had to contend with, some for the first time.
We wound down basking in the late afternoon sun at Old Clunker café, Dorking.

Thanks to Steve for leading the fast group, Brian for back marking my group everyone for their company on what turned out to be a beautiful day.

Steve, Leader fast group writes:

I set off with the second group, from Leatherhead with Frances, Patrick, Neil W, Andy H, Dave B, Hans and back marker Peter Suchy. The start was good, being a downhill/flat section to Pixham Lane where we groaned up Punchbowl Lane. From there we travelled mostly well known roads to Faygate, passing Andy's first group on the way. Then Colgate and via Lower Bleeding to Maplehurst and the White Horse. We had taken 1 hour and 55 minutes to cover the 26.3 miles and 1360 ft of ascent averaging 13.5 mph which I thought was a good pace. 

The sandwiches were served promptly and we're good. Probably better for sitting outside in the sunshine!

We set off again at 1.35 pm. Fortunately the Downs Link was dry and hard packed gravel, but still bumpy in places. We were spread out and I have to own up to losing some riders at Southwater. Hans had lost pressure in his rear wheel. Frances was having difficulty with the surface on her road bike. I checked my average speed had dropped to 11 mph and realised we were going to be very late for the tea stop at Dorking as the afternoon section was 23.5 miles. So after a discussion I decided to cut our time on the Downs Link and came back on the road at Christ's Hospital. We went through Itchingfield to pick up the busy A264 north for 2 miles and then at Clemsfold picked up a road through Rowhook to re-join the route after Ellen's Green. From there to Forest Green and up Tanhurst Lane over Leith Hill down to The Old Clunker cafe at 3.35 pm. We spent a pleasant time chatting and left at 4.10 pm. Andy and the first group hadn't arrived so we couldn't thank him for a lovely route. Many thanks to my group for my dodgy lead. Special thanks to top man Peter Suchy for solid back marking. Thanks Andy for a lovely route.
Steve D.

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