Friday, September 06, 2024

Invitation to ride with B Group on 11th September

You are cordially invited to join the B group ride next Wednesday 11th Sept.

We will ride out from the Wilde Brunch Café at Walton Bridge, through Windsor Great Park to The Cricketers for Lunch in Warfield, Bracknell. 21 miles out, and 20 short miles back to Walton for Tea.  

Please contact me via text (07952627346) or Email to confirm that you are going to join us. 

Probably 3 groups, John A at 10.30am, Myself at 10.40am and Mick at 10.50am.

Looking forward to seeing a big gathering of 😀🚲cyclists.

To download the GPX file:

For the routes in RideWithGPS:



Complete (AM + PM):

~ Dave

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