Thursday, September 05, 2024

Ride Report – A Group 4th Sept - Loxwood

Neil W planned this ride, but is now away so I'm reporting separately.

My moderately paced group left Cobham and made good progress in ideal (neither too hot nor cold) weather. Hoe Lane was as delightful as ever. Walking Bottom lived up to its name. Winterfold Heath was supposedly closed for works, but passable if you didn’t mind walking a bit.

Approaching Loxwood, Pigbush Lane was a revelation to us all, probably the best surfaced bridleway in the country, and affording sweeping views of Neil’s favourite hill, Blackdown.

Loxwood is an interesting village, of which much more here. The Onslow Arms on the canal bank looks like part of that history, and is fine once you get used to their own particular way of working. Still we were fed and watered in less than an hour, so no complaints.



We took a further historical loop along Brewhurst Lane and past the old watermill, and over the mighty River Lox, which has probably seen a grander past than today.

On our return we met and remet members of Neil’s group, all headed in broadly the same direction, and some of the B’s probably taking an easier way home.

Still, we managed to all meet up on the Leatherhead cycle path and made our way in convoy, some to stop in Luigi’s for tea, others to ride home direct.

Thanks to Neil for organising an interesting and challenging ride with just enough new stuff and quite a lot of history. Thanks for the support and company to my group of Dave F, Brian, Janice, Sue C and Frances, to whom many thanks for backmarking throughout, and for the photo too.

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