Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Bob gets ready for his Pre-Med

Must be a record for one day, both lunch and afternoon tea taken in Wetherspoons, Leatherhead and Epsom. Photo shows Bob preparing for his pre-med in Wetherspoons today. Looks to me like they took him for a ride and he lost his shirt. Take a good look now girls, this might be the last time you see him in such good fettle! Lets hope when he goes in for his op, Bob doesn't try to leg it too soon. As for getting his leg over (the cross bar) he may have to convalesce first. Not content with having one hip replaced, like the Wetherspoons twice in one day, Bob is having two hips replaced (separate ops). I can't think of a more determined man to get through all this and come out the other side screaming fit (well at least screaming)

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