Saturday, March 23, 2019

The Truth

A couple of weeks ago, Simon sent me a link to a copy of the CTC Gazette dated August 1890.  I was pleased to receive it, as I enjoy reading these things - it's in the Wayfarers Library at .

What I was particularly pleased to note is that this particular edition, summarising earlier correspondence, contained The Truth.  Here it is:

As Mr C.W. Brown informed us then, so it is now.  A light bike is a better thing.


1 comment:

Simon L said...

Well said! As we will all remember from our school physics lessons(?), gearing doesn't change the amount of work you have to do to get a weight up a hill. You can pedal hard for a short time, or gently for a long time - the amount of work you have to put into the bike will be the same, ignoring any side-effects such as busting a blood vessel.

If you want to do less work, reduce the weight, or the height of the hill. Or turn around and go in the other direction (downhill).