Monday, May 30, 2022

The Shoreham Century Ride - 8th June 2022.

Plans have now been finalised for the annual Shoreham Century ride. The ride follows the traditional 'minimal hills' route devised by Mark Gladwyn, with elevenses at Tanhouse Farm, lunch at the Bridge Inn, Shoreham, tea at the Pavilions in the Park cafe, Horsham, and a welcome pint at the Edmund Tylney, Leatherhead for those completing the whole ride. Whilst the .gpx mileage is 73 from Tanhouse back to Leatherhead your ride from home should hopefully hit the magic 100miles.

The ride is open to all A and B group riders. (Note: as usual, there is also the B 'train-assist' ride from Datchet led by Tony Hopkins). To book your place on the Shoreham Century please respond to:- by Monday 6th June by 6pm. You can also let me know on the A or B Whats App. groups.

In addition to myself there are 4 sub leaders for the ride:-

Dave Vine,

Steve Duffin,

Dave Cullen - Fixie Dave,

John Austin.

The groups will be arranged depending on the response - and if you have any preferences for distance and pace. As such, some groups may contain a mix of A and B riders. For those unfamiliar with Tanhouse Farm, a led ride from the traditional start at North Cheam will be arranged. Again, let me know in advance.

Four groups will be riding the whole distance, whilst John Austin will lead a group who wish to return after tea by train from Horsham. There is also an option for you to ride only down to Shoreham and return all the way home by train from Shoreham. Or even - if it's a nice day, make your own way cycling from Shoreham along the sea-front for afternoon tea in Brighton and train home.

The Bridge Inn has reserved 5 outside 'dining pods' - which can accommodate 30 diners. (If there's more than 30 riders I will book further spaces). You need to pre-book your menu choice for lunch when signing-up for the ride. (See the new menu on the link to the pub above).

This is the route we will follow, ridden by Fixie Dave and myself on our recce last week. Also now a Ride With GPS file - - thanks to Tim!

The Shoreham Century ride involves earlier starts from Tanhouse - from 10.15am onwards. Further information/briefing and start times and groups will be posted on the blog on Tues. 7th June.

Let me know if you have any queries:- 07986 254073

I hope the weather stays fair and sunny for our annual trip to the seaside!

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