Thursday, October 19, 2023

Wednesday the 18th B Group Ride Report

 The route was changed the day before, to take into account the weather forecast. I therefore named the 2 groups, the Water Rats & the Water Voles. Instead of 20 miles out and 18 back I bought it done to 10 miles each way, and 2 groups leaving at 10.30 and 10.40. Very direct really, crossing Runnymdes and straight onto the towpath, which is now a good gravel path nearly all the way to the Preist Hill roundabout., then the back road to Old Windsor, Datchet, Windsor and across the bridge to Eton. We then took the riverside path to Boveney, then the last short stretch to Dorney and the Palmers Arms for lunch. We were lucky in that we had a tailwind most of the way there. But it did mean an expected headwind coming back.

The Water Rats at Boveney

We did arrive before 12, but I had phoned in the morning to let them know that we would be early, We had just finished locking our bikes when the Water Voles arrived. The Palmer Arms is great for taking big groups to, but it always to rain when we go there? I was table service, but all soon had drinks and it was not long before the food arrived. We didn't dally long as we were expecting the worst.

Both Groups at Lunch

 We all donned our rainjackets, which was a  wise decision as it soon started with a very light rain., a direct route back, to Staines, Ashford, and Charlton, we were soon down to just 3, Pam had left us at Staines and Diane and Mick elected to push on for home. Liz Gill and I decided to stop for tea at the Goat, Upper Haliford. Not a good decision, 3 for 3 turned out to be one very small teapot with 1 tea bag! Liz challenged the poor quantity and we at least got another teapot and tea bag  We made a mental note NOT to go there for tea again. Outside the rain had really set in, and all 3 of us had full waterproofs on for the last leg. Gill having just a mile to go.

All in all, we got a ride in and I still managed 40-plus miles. It was great really, everyone was cheery in spite of the expected deluge. A great crowd on an awful day. Many thanks to Ray for doing a great job of sub-leading and Diane for back-marking the Water Rats.

Tony..(King Rat)

Sub Leader – Ray Youlden
Seven Water Rats assembled at 10.40 to start our route to Doney. We set off with the wind behind us which made the peddling a bit easier, but we were not looking forward to the return journey later in the day. The route took us out along the tow path of the Thames where we turned left and cycled parallel to the Windsor Road along a path I had not used before. 

The Water Voles At Egham

At the end of this path, we returned to the road going through Old Windsor, Windsor, Datchet and Eton. Once we had crossed the Thames at Eton, we then followed the river once more, using paths and tracks to bring us out close to the pub of choice for lunch, the Palmers Arms.

It felt strange arriving so early for lunch but necessary to try and avoid the rain that was predicted to fall later in the day. Lunch was served quickly with a friendly and efficient service. Over lunch, it was agreed that we would not go to Egham on the way back, as no one would be using the train, but to cycle to Shepperton where we would decide if a tea stop was a good idea. 

We left the pub in good time and cycled the direct route home, straight into the wind that made itself immediately apparent with rain squalls hitting us while crossing the common. We then passed through Datchet, Wraysbury and Staines before stopping in Shepperton. By then the rain had become consistent but not heavy. It was decided, with the weather getting progressively worse, that going straight home with the hope of avoiding the worst of the rain was the best policy. 

A big thank you to Tim Court, Sabina, Bernard, Davey, John and Geoff for their company, humour, and their enrolment as honorary water voles for the day. Plus, a big thank you to Tony who successfully reorganised the courses to and from the pub to try and avoid the rain.

Ray (King Vole)

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