Monday, September 09, 2024

Security warning!

Please note that our friend Jeff Tollerman's email account has been hacked and as a result numerous people in his contact list have received bogus messages which look like they have been sent by him.

The messages are not from him at all. Please don't reply to them.




Jeff said...

My IT guru seems to have disinfected my outlook email account. Hopefully this should not give you any more spam emails claiming to come from me. Profuse apologies for any concern this may have caused.
Best wishes,

Tim C said...

It has been beneficial to us all to be reminded about this particular method of hacking into our accounts. In this case the signal in the emails many of us received was that they were not addressed to us personally. The greeting was just 'Hiya', not for example, 'Hi Tim'. And the text of the messages was something inane about buying stuff from Amazon. However the criminals rely on just the occasional person replying to the messages. Not everyone is streetwise about these methods for hacking into our accounts.