Thursday, November 03, 2022

Norman Goody has died

I received the following news from Jake Dodd today:

Unfortunately I have some sad news to tell you as Norman Goody passed away last week. He had been living in a care home for a few years as he was unable to be at home due to his dementia.  His funeral will be on Wednesday 23rd November, 2.40pm at North East Surrey Crematorium, if anyone wishes to attend.

Norman was a regular rider with the Wayfarers and a stalwart of many tours including many Dieppe Raids, which he attended until the mid 2010s.   He will be missed by many longstanding Wayfarers.

Wayfarers in France, 1990 (Norman far right)
June 1995, Isington, Hants (Norman 2nd from right)

Dieppe Raid, 2007 (Norman 4th from right)


Brian Bent said...

How sad, another name that won’t appear on the memorian list ! which stops in 2019.

Jeff said...

I think you may find that Lisa owns this page and, given the information, should be able to update.

Jeff T
(Well and truly superannuated)