Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Christina's B ride report from Claygate

 Christina's group departed first.

Many thanks for chief route designer Steph W for today's B ride, for reccying twice and for leading. Thanks to Stephen Hickey for taking the time to reccy and lead.

We have 28 riders in 3 groups for today's undulating ride. 

We had an early start from Claygate Day Centre through Epsom and Ashstead Common, Headley, Betchworth, Flanchford to the Farmhouse Pub in Horley for lunch. Weather was cool, at times breezy and sunny.

We left lunch heading towards defunct? Redhill airport? Climbed hills to Merstham,  Chipstead and Banstead, then made our separate ways (mainly down the hills) to home 

Stephen's group report.

Although the 3 groups set off at short intervals - to ensure we all reached lunch by the time specified by the pub - we (the second group) managed to avoid either catching Christina’s group ahead, or being caught by Steph’s group behind. 

The (hilly) route was good (thanks, Christina and Steph).  The weather good (cloudy, but no rain).  Lunch was fine. The hills were taken with aplomb - especially by Bernard, who left us in his wake on the steeper climbs. Mick’s chainset, which threatened all day to give up the ghost - he advised us not to ride too close in case he suddenly stopped -  held together to the end.  And although Maggie cramped at one point, she recovered to complete the homeward leg.

Thanks to Tim C for back marking, and to all the group for a great day out.’

Thanks again - I found the hills much easier (or, to be more accurate, less hard) than last week!

Steph's group.

A lovely day out .  Started with 8, picked up Dawn at Headley and Terry at Betchworth.  Colin G kindly offered to backmark.  We stopped for a photo at Wonham Manor taken by a couple of passing cyclists and Tony offered a newsletter.  Lunch was prompt and tasty but accompanied by a downpour.  Luckily only from the canvas awning which shed its deluge over Colin's head. A huge roll of paper towel was swiftly supplied.  Ian Williamson left for a train in order to see his grandson playing cricket in Bushy Park.
More ups and downs in the afternoon, the Wetherspoon boys (T,D and G) easily caught us up as we toiled up Fullers Lane, pausing briefly at a fresh corpse of a Muntjack deer.  Terry left around Redhill.  The remainder trundled upwards for T and cake at Banstead.  Thanks to all for their company and Christina who despite her protestations did have input on the route and was an excellent companion on our two reccies.

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