Sunday, January 02, 2022

Highway Code Changes

 But don't expect every motorist to know of the change! Be careful!

May be an image of 1 person, car and text that says "New Highway code ruling changing end of Jan 22. OLD RULE: Vehicles have priority at junctions NEW RULE: Giveway to to way pedestrians atjunctions OLD RULE: Road positioning for syclista was not previoualy mentioned in the codB. but most drivers expect them to ride near the curb NEW RULE: Ride the centre the lane make yourself visible in nituations H Cyclists and pedestrians given priority over motor vehicles."


Brian Bent said...

How is that safer for the pedestrian ? car turning left (indicating) . trafic waiting in junction would move out for a left turn!!! As for cycling in the middle of the road! who's going to do that ?

Dave C said...

It is pertaining to people who are made of rubber