Thursday, June 09, 2022

The Shoreham Century - 8th June 2022.

It was a day of sunshine and showers for the Wayfarers annual ride to Shoreham. Some got caught out - others were lucky to avoid the worst downpours, but it all made for a memorable day's ride to the seaside. Thirty eight signed-up for the ride, six unfortunately having to drop-out, but in the end five groups departed at regular intervals from Tanhouse Farm.

Here's Neil, a regular Century leader, standing-in for Dave Vine, and, as usual, arriving just-in-time to lead his group!

Fixie Dave - first away!

First away was Dave Cullen's group - (he was now back on his favourite fixie, after struggling with unfamiliar gears up the hills on the recce!). 

Fixie Dave. Four of us rode out from North Cheam, managing to take the scenic route out to Tanhouse. The ride to Tanhouse went well, no problems, apart from Puncture Dave, who managed to get a puncture before Tanhouse - and also before Shoreham. The forecast rain held off until we were blessed with a shower, about 5miles from the Bridge Inn. Which seemed quite busy, for some reason? The food was good when it eventually arrived.

We were blessed with a couple of April showers on our journey home, but nothing too drastic. All six of us stopped for tea/coffee in Horsham at the Izmir Bar and Grill, which proved to be good good, not only because our cheesecakes were on the House. A stop in Leatherhead was needed on the way home to top up deleted liquid levels. 6 of our group rode back from Shoreham to home.

From being in the Bridge, to being on the bridge.

Our pleasant coffee stop in Horsham.

Has it stopped raining yet, Dave?- asks Tony Hooker.

John - waiting for his train-gang (photo Dave C).

John A led his train-based group next - (to follow)

John's train quintet.

Slow As - and a fast B.

Ged. My group of slow As (minus Frances) - but attracting Pete B - (who's really an A in disguise), got away at 10.35am. We'd overlapped the earlier groups by Ashfold Crossways, and could smell the sea air once reaching the River Adur cycle path. We were glad to reach the Bridge as the heavens opened, pleased to have missed the downpour catching-out the pacy As, who arrived rather wet and mud-spattered soon after. 

"Oh - I do like to be beside the seaside!"

We were joined by the fast As at the traditional ice cream stop at Partridge Green, Janice handing-over a  rain jacket to Jennie, found abandoned on the road side. It was soon needed!

Neil's group joined us for tea in sunshine next to the pool at the Pavilions, and once in Leatherhead Jennie and John B remained for a beer at the Edmund Tylney, shortly followed by Neil, Alan and Dave F. Thanks to Steve D, who conveniently joined us and sorted out my missed turns in Horsham, to Mike 'Backmarker Barrett' - who dashed back from sunny Rhodes to perform his usual duties with aplomb, and to Jennie, who took-over backmarking once Mike had finished his morning's shift.

A groups together - and Jennie with reclaimed rain jacket.

Neil. (to follow)

Steve D's fast A group - being advised by D.J.

Steve D. I led the last group off from Tanhouse Farm comprising Andy, Janice, Hans, Neil W, Fiona and Dave B. We made good progress catching Neil C's group at the end of Grouse Road, Manning's Heath, but they passed us when we stopped to take a picture of ourselves at the bridge over the stream flowing into the Ouse at Slaugham Lane. We soon passed them again until Hans got a puncture in his rear tyre which leaked sealant at Wineham Lane. Then Neil passed us again. After this we made rapid progress into a headwind and I flagged on the inclines even though, Andy, Janice and Neil W, took turns at the front to shield me from the worst.

We had avoided most of the downpours, but just before Upper Beeding the heavens opened and we stopped to don waterproofs. After a mile of hard rain, the downpour slowed to drizzle as we got onto the Downs Link. Mud spattered and wet we arrived at The Bridge at 1.10 pm where, the sun appeared outside, while we dried off in our heated cabin.
I think we were all quite happy to be out of the rain.
The ride to Partridge Green was largely dry, but I was very fatigued and slow. It was traditional to buy ice creams at the shop, but the looming black cloud made my group more eager to carry on even though Ged's group was already tucking in to theirs. At this point I handed the leadership reins over to Andy and Janice. To be fair Andy had been eagerly flying ahead from the start and so I didn't want to delay them. Apparently they sped to the Edmund Tylney pub for swift refreshment before home. I joined Ged and Brian's groups for a slower ride to the Pavilions cafe Horsham where we later met Neil C and his group, just as we were about to leave for Leatherhead. I left Ged at Leatherhead and went home and washed and changed ready to go back to play in the Leatherhead Orchestra. As I walked past the pub in Leatherhead, there was Dave Cullen and his group enjoying a pint outside in the sunshine. Happy days!
A rainy trip to the seaside this time, just like my summer holidays as a kid! Thanks my group for your fine company and leading and shielding me from the worst of the wind. You are real professionals, particular thanks to Dave B for back marking and to Ged for organising a more efficient, if not perfect pub lunch service.

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