Thursday, October 13, 2022

The 2022 Freewheel Competition (12th October)

In ideal cycling conditions, John Austin and Paul Day led two B groups from Dorking Christian Centre to Root Hill. The A groups were already there when we arrived.

Fixie Dave pushed me off first and for a brief while I was the best male. Sue F followed me and went almost as far. Eventually the inevitable happened and my marker bamboo had to be transplanted – never mind, there’s always another year. Soon Andy Huddart swept by, closely followed by Peter Suchy and they put in best distances. Sue C was the lady who went furthest, stopping between the above gents. I didn’t hear of tractors causing problems, if this does happen you can always go back and try again. Thanks to Dave for pushing off, Janice and Brian for being traffic lookouts and Sue F for keeping the ladies under control.

Prizegiving took place on Brockham Green, runners-up winning a new tube (always welcome) and a unique wood carving for the winners, as usual, thanks Ed.


Ed's special trophies

The Multitude

Victorious Ladies

Sue (Ladies winner)

Andy Huddart (Gents winner)

Terry (Event Organiser), Janice (in charge of Signalling), Dave (in charge of Pushing Off)

Brian (in charge of Traffic management)

The groups then made their way to lunch, the Bs via a quiet, devious route to Henfold Lakes where we were quickly served with delicious food. After lunch Paul’s group took a pretty unchallenging route to Leatherhead; I left them at Denbie’s roundabout.


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