Thursday, July 18, 2024

Blackdown Reprise 24 July 24 - invitation

 April 14 was the first Wayfarers ride of  Blackdown, at the Snooty Fox we agreed the ride was so good we need a reprise so more of the group can enjoy the ride.  

We thought of a few things to make it more appealing - to start from not so far out as Tanhouse Farm cafe .. and to ride it in warmer weather.   

So here it is .. next Wednesday we start from Dorking, cross the north downs using Abinger Hollow (as the options go it is a smooth ascent), after the descent is a series of cycle friendly minor roads, including Vann Lane, 21.5 miles to the Swan Inn in Chiddingfold. I had lunch there in May, its a delightful, bright, well run pub with good food, served promptly. Pre-ordering is not needed.  

We have an outside covered area reserved for us, and a section of the garden for our bikes. 

The return is about 19 miles to the Snooty Fox. From The Swan we take a minor road for c.20 minutes before starting the Jayes Lane climb of Blackdown, the highest point in Sussex; return via Killinghurst Lane, then familiar cycle friendly roads to the cafe. Then a few more miles to Guildford for train assist, or another 20 + miles for those with the legs for it. 

Please email me on  by Monday evening. 

PS 20-7-24 Among others (thx), Dave F. has offered to lead after lunch the Jobson Lane alternative ascent of Blackdown with better behaved gradients, and Sue F. has offered to sub-lead. Please say when joining if you prefer an easier pace / Jobson Lane option. 

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