Monday, July 01, 2024

B's to Dinton Pastures 26th June

 It was a scorcther of a day and numbers were reduced to to the invasion of Dieppe

Only 2 groups, with me leading group 1 and Arwyn leading group 2. I used a route I have used many times, short on hills and some lovely, quiet country lanes.

For me the weather was perfect, a tad warm, but cycling creates it's own breeze. I did stop freqently for the group to take a swig  from water bottles. We soon reached Hurst for the obligatory  photo of the CTC sign on the Castle Inn. Only another mile and we were at our lunch destination of Dinton Pastures (it does sound like an old folks retirement home) Country park.Not being a Sunday or school holiday, it was very quick service, it does get very busy at peak times.

We had hardly sat down when the second group arrived. We sat outside, but under cover, plenty of banter and the time to depart soon arrived.


Off we set past the pub opposite Dinton to see the lone figure of Fixie Dave who had been inbibing his pint (or two). Some now seemed to struggle a bit with the pace due to the heat so a detour to Windsor station to let Gill F finish the journey by triain, Paula joined her to get home  for her rowing session, so my group was now down to 3. 

Due to our detour, group 2 had overtaken us. We had planned tea at Egham and on the back road through Old Windsor, we came across the other groups back marker, Ray, after getting cramp and was dehydrated, although he had used up 2 water bottles, we waited to make sure he was okay and he got home safely.

Time was marching on so my small group never stopped for tea and headed directly home, all safely home and re-hydraed. Thank you to all who braved the heat and leaders and back markers.


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