Friday, July 12, 2024

Invitation to ride with B Group on 17th July

Claygate - Holmbury St Mary - Leatherhead

You are all cordially invited to join this ride which will be led by Christina, Francis and Bernard.

First, since the Day Centre in Claygate won't be available to us we will meet for Elevenses at Parade and Albany. It's in The Parade, very clode to Claygate Station. Bike parking is a bit tricky but there are some suitable walls on either side of Albany Crescent. Please be considerate about where you park. We've been there before and remember it for its classy selection of pastries and cake and good coffee and tea. They know we're coming.

The route involves a mix of terrain, starting with the delightful Arbrook Common and Birchwood Lane and the experience will be enhanced if it doesn't rain too much before Wednesday. Beyond that lies Bookham Cobham and White Down before you coast down to your lunches at The Royal Oak in Holmbury St Mary.

You can look at the menu on the pub's website but they will be changing the menu before Wednesday so have advised that we don't need to pre-order. For anyone who might be curious their Fish and Chips will continue to feature in the new menu.

The ride to lunch could take well over 2 hours, 2½ hours possibly so start times will be quite early.

Please confirm by email or send a private WhatsApp message to me to confirm that you're coming.

Many thanks


Your leaders checking the route out

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