Monday, July 15, 2024

Pat Matthews has died

We have received the sad news today from Kevin, Pat's son, that Pat has died at home.

Pat in Montreuil on a gite holiday in 1991 (photo by Steve Bott)

Apart from riding with the Wayfarers for very many years and clocking up prize-winning mileages she took part in many gite holidays in France and other rides in Europe. But some of her fondest memories were of her adventures with CTC Holidays, including an expedition to Nepal.

Pat had become less mobile in recent years but when she could manage it she would walk to Elevenses whenever possible to join the Easy Riders then take the buses home. She has enjoyed coming to our annual lunches and remained an avid reader of the Sou'Wester.

~ Tim


Dave Vine said...

Sad news indeed. Pat's fame as a touring cyclist lives on in the records she set, but I will remember her for her tenacious spirit and her enduring affection for our club.

David W said...

From at least the 80's (if not earlier), Pat was also a regular rider with the old Family Section (Sunday rides) of the SWLDA and organised many hosteling weekends for the group. Very sad to hear she has died.