Monday, July 29, 2024

Ride Leaders of the Future

One way to contribute towards the club's activities is to lead rides. Leading a ride is an opportunity for you to choose routes and lunch/tea venues that you enjoy and to share them with others.

Take a look at the Ride Leader Guidelines, which you will find on our web site in the Information Hub, to see what is involved.

There is also an online course run by CyclingUK that guides you through the steps of choosing a route and organising a ride. It’s not compulsory, but If you want to do this course, please let me know and I can give you the details and arrange for you to have access.

If leading is something that you have thought about doing, then you may prefer to start by sub-leading.

Sub-leading is a good way to work alongside an existing leader and to find out what leading a ride involves.

You can take a look at the rides list to see who is leading a particular ride and get in touch to offer to sub-lead.

1 comment:

Dave C said...

If lack of confidence is the problem, straying from the route is no real harm at all.
"The only person who doesn't make a mistake, Is the person who doesn't do anything"