Saturday, August 17, 2024

Invitation to A group ride from Leatherhead Faifield Centre 21 August.

 A Downs dipper adventure.

The ride was planned to appeal to either A group or A/B group riders, as I will be leading a more leisurely paced sub -group to enjoy the scenery. On a warm dry clear day expect to share some of my favourite views and explore some less trodden territory and where possible avoid traffic. The ride has similar distance (39.6 miles) and total ascent (2,425 ft) as Neil W and Brian's recent visits to Blackdown. Be warned it does include some mixed terrain (hardpack or gravel) and shared use (beware of horses/dog walkers) sections similar to recent Dave W or Neil W rides. All the “offroad” is before lunch, but this will mean a slower pace to lunch than usual.

Highlights include Epsom racecourse, Colley hill, Gatton Park and Spynes Mere Nature reserve and Farthing Down.


   The ride to lunch at the Red Lion Bletchingly is 23 miles. The pub has been reserved without the need to pre-order. The food was fine on my recce. A good selection of sandwiches, jackets and omlettes as well as pub classics.  If we could have 3 tables of 6 outside at the back (if it’s not raining) that would be ideal, but that space is very limited, and we will probably need most of that to park all our bikes. So we may have to sit in the conservatory area at the back.

The afternoon leg is to tea at Banstead  is 18 quite hilly indirect miles, but entirely on tarmac.

Subject to demand, there will be one leisurely, one moderately and one quicker paced group and (thanks Clive and Neil W). Departures will be likely to be between 10:45 to 11:00

Please email me at by Monday 7pm to register for the ride with your preferred pace (which I will try, but not guarantee) to accommodate. I will circulate the final route, runners and riders on Tuesday as usual..

1 comment:

Ged Lawrenson said...

Are 3 Red Lion’s on the run enough to be called a ‘pride of pubs’