Friday, August 09, 2024

Report for B Group - 7th August

Christina writes:

Thanks to Stephen H and Steph W for subleading the rides especially the route is hillier than initially planned. "Lighter" school holidays traffic made it possible and enjoyable.

It is a sunny and cool morning for the Wayfarers.

The 1st departure riders are Christina B (leading), Francis, Gill H, Ian W, Ken, Keith, and thanks to Sue F for back marking.

We rode an undulating 12 miles including along the railway line in Horsley to the beautiful garden of The Drummond at Albury for lunch.

After lunch, Gill H, Francis, Sue F and I managed to climb up the Coombe Lane with 10% ascent (see 1 photo) to the top of the Staple Lane to be greeted by Ian W and Ken Day who took a slightly different route.

Ian W decided to show us his "local knowledge" via "Back Lane" (with a pond but no water fowls today) near "Queens Head" and then a detour via Gambles Lane instead of Hungry Lane towards Stoke d'Abernon.

I believe that being "Open Minded" is a good thing in most circumstances.

I trust a few riders enjoyed their afternoon tea at the Claremont and everyone got back home safe.

Another good day's ride in pleasant and dry August.

~ Christina

Stephen writes:

The second group - Stephen (sub leader), Tim (G), Anne (W), Maria, John (A), Martin and  Chris - set forth from Cobham in lovely sunny weather.   

The route had been described as ‘undulating’ in the invitation, but the profile suggested something a little more challenging. The morning route took in Plough Lane (nice and dry for once), East Horsley, familiar climbs up Chalk Lane and Grene Dene, a dramatic descent down Coombe Lane, over (not through) the ford at Shere, another climb and descent, ending at The Drummond Arms at Albury for lunch.  Tim back marked and all went well - though Stephen’s brakes on the descents sounded like pigs squealing.  Lunch was tasty and prompt, but we began to worry about gathering clouds.

The group decided to omit a return climb and descent to Shere and instead to head directly for the day’s major challenge - the ascent of Combe Lane.  Stephen said that he, for one, would walk up the final section - a remarkably steep blind hairpin - and in the event was joined by a few others.  But huge kudos to an intrepid trio who managed to ride to the top! After a brief recovery, we enjoyed sweeping descents, some lanes to Stoke D’Abernon, and eventually tea at the National Trust at Claremont.  The weather had stayed dry throughout and a good time was had by all.

Thanks to all the members of the group for their good humour and to Tim for ensuring no-one was left on the hills!

Crossing the ford at Shere - over the bridge, not through the water!

Still upright and looking cheerful after ascending Combe Lane
~ Stephen


Steph writes:

My group set off from Cobham (Steph, Davie, Tony Hooker, Pinky, Grant, Mags and Terry) and enjoyed ideal weather with sunshine and a light breeze.  Through Plough Lane and soon descending Combe Lane .  The pretty route by the ford and the allotments in Shere caused us to pause and engage with some American tourists who also took some photos for us.

In front of the hollyhocks

Lunch at the Drummond

We were soon at lunch being served "quicker than Wetherspoons".  Back on the road we opted for a direct route to the bottom of Combe Lane and everyone ascended at their own pace.

Refreshing tea at Claremont Gardens rounded off another lovely day out.

~ Steph

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