Friday, August 09, 2024

Ride Report A group to Lightwater 7th August

 Our ride this week from Cobham to Lightwater was helped to a great extent by Dave Vine and Janice who offered to lead a group each.

Here is what Janice had to say.

Dave B, Fiona, Hans, Patrick, Neil W and I set off first from Cobham RBL. It was a bit windy and gusty so that, together with the early start time meant that I felt we didn’t need to rush to get to lunch.

I hadn’t been able to recce the route so it was helpful to have others with navigation devices in the group and we had no problem with the 1st forewarned GPX glitch at 6.5 miles. In fact, we had no problem with the second at 9.6 miles either and seemed to miss it altogether so that’s a mystery.

We enjoyed the quiet leafy lanes en route to Lightwater and even the occasional busier road was quiet, thanks to the school holidays. Maybe that’s why there was a small herd of giraffe at the roadside somewhere near Send so we stopped to take a photo.

Otherwise we had an uneventful trip to the Red Lion in Lightwater. On arrival the cheerful landlord was ready and waiting to open the side gate so we could securely store our bikes. Our orders were confirmed and paid for at the bar and started arriving almost before we had settled into our seats. This must be one of the best pub’s that we use as far as customer service (and very nice food) is concerned. They could certainly give lessons to others in the hospitality industry!

Just before leaving we realised we had a table of 6 Dave’s (V, F, E, W, J and B), later named ‘a deluge of Dave’s’ and worthy of a photo.

The way back to Walton Marina had the wind more behind than against us which I for one found very agreeable!

Walton Marina cafe was new to all of us and we felt it was a great find by Steve and would use it again.

A great day out, the lovely route was mercifully flat after the hills of last week and with pleasant temperatures and the rain staying away, what more could we ask for? A very fast burn up to Hampton Court as it happens, started by Patrick then taking turns on the front with Hans taking the final victory on his new bike. I think we’ve been watching too much of the Olympics!

Thanks for the route Steve (and doing all the admin that being ride leader entails), for the good company of my group, in particular Fiona for back marking.

Dave Vine had this to say leading his group.
Thanks to Jennie for gallantly back-marking all day, allowing the rest of my group, all five Daves (E, F, J, W, & V) to enjoy ourselves to the full. And thoroughly enjoyable it was too, on Steve’s well-chosen route. 
After resisting the misleading calls from Garmin to join the A3 at Tithebarns, we paused briefly to admire the Send giraffes. There were no takers to re-visit Stanley’s grave in Pirbright before an enjoyable climb up to Frimley. I had a brief skirmish with an over-enthusiastic motorist in Frimley before the long descent to Lightwater.

All the groups met up, now numbering six Daves and we all enjoyed the hospitality for which the Red Lion is renowned. After lunch Dave W left us for new challenges, and we were joined by Geoffrey Shields, a welcome, and hopefully continuing returnee to the Wayfarers.

Dave E left us at Walton Bridge, and we joined Steve’s group for tea at the Marina, but with only three Daves remaining we were definitely now a minority.
Great day out, thanks Jennie and all.

I led the second group of Peter, Ged, Richard, Neil C, Brian and Frances. Disappointingly didn't have a Dave with us! As usual I had my head down and never spotted the giraffes either although we did see a completely black Alpaca with some others in a field in Church Lane, Pirbright.

Being the puncture king I developed an annoying slow puncture in the front tyre, but got to lunch where I put a new tube in which solved the problem. However when I got home I found a tiny shard of wire embedded in the tyre which in the process of removing it I destroyed the tyre. Happy days!

Lunch was served promptly and we were given VIP treatment by Jason the landlord. He was also a Liverpool football club fan and so he and Ged could swop stories. I think in future all my rides will divert to the Red Lion if that is how we will be received! It was heartening to see Geoffrey Shields out on his bike after some surgery. Hope to see more of him in the future. After our lunch we set off at 1.40 pm.

The afternoon went well and the flat terrain brought us swiftly to the Walton Marina Cafe where Ged rewarded me with two scoops of New Forest ice cream. It was awesome! Thanks Ged and many thanks for back marking and supplying the route, which I cannot take credit for as I nicked it from you.

It was good to see so many riders out on an enjoyable, mostly sunny day.

Steve D.

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