Sunday, August 11, 2024

Invitation to join the B Group ride from Guildford on 14 August

The plan is to take the train to Guildford (though you can, of course cycle there if you wish), and to ride back 42.5 miles to Leatherhead via some beautiful East Surrey and Sussex countryside we rarely visit.  At 2,600 ft (elevation gain) the ride is a bumpy one, about as bumpy as John's ride to Sevenoaks the other week.  There is climbing early on around Guildford and Godalming, but there is a significant afternoon bump over Tanhurst Lane.  The rest is rolling countryside.

Because the Yvonne Arnoud theatre, where we usually meet for elevenses, is undergoing major refurbishment, elevenses will be at the nearby Open Grounds cafĂ© at the Baptist church in Millmead.  For those coming Paul will issue a route to get there from the station, with the running order.  It is easy.  

Lunch will be at the Onslow Arms, by the canal at Loxwood.  The pub is keen to have us but wants early warning of our food choices.  The menu is available on this link.

Tea will be at the group leaders' decision either at Bike Exchange in Dorking or at Lucio's in Leatherhead depending upon the needs of the group, especially in regard to any hot weather.

The link below gives you a good idea of the route, though there will be a slight amendment to allow for the new elevenses venue and for any other problems such as any road closure discovered in the final recce on 12 August. A final route will be published with the running order after that recce.

2024 Guildford to Leatherhead

Please note that because of the pub's request for early warning of numbers it would be most convenient if you could let Paul know if you want to come by midnight on Sunday 11 August, together with your menu choices.

Do this, please, by e-mail to

~ Paul

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