Friday, August 23, 2024

Report for the Easy Riders - 21st August

This week’s ride was all about rising and diminishing numbers.

Our group of five, Frank C, Frank B, Maureen, Anne and John was led to Leatherhead by Frank C along our familiar route through Ewell, Epsom and Ashtead.

Bill, Don, Caroline, Jane and James were already at the Fairfield Centre enjoying catching up with friends from the A and B groups. Soon we were joined by John B and Ray. Frank C and Maureen put their heads together, studied some maps and suggested a ride to Newdigate, one we hadn’t yet done this summer. Bill parted ways with us at the centre and just as we were departing Anne B rushed up to join. And then there were twelve!

With Maureen leading, we headed along the A24 Cycle route towards Dorking. John B peeled off around Burford Bridge and Don turned back at the end of Pixham Lane. And then there were 10!  We had a short ride along the A25 before turning in by Betchworth Golf Club to cycle the unpaved route by the golf course to Brockham. Left by the village church, we cycled the leafy lanes and byroads eventually pausing  by the Star in Leigh village. Ray and Frank C decided at this point to turn and head for home. And then there were eight! Another 15 minutes of pleasant cycling took us to our lunch destination, the Surrey Oaks. Anne B had a quick drink and snack and left us as she had some urgent cake making duties. And then there were 7!  After lunch we followed a scenic route via Henfold, Brockham and along the A24 cycle lane back to Lucio’s Cafe  where 6 of us enjoyed a welcome drink.

We enjoyed teasing Maureen about the diminishing numbers on our ride and of course as we reached home, then there were none! A round trip of about 40 miles for those who rode out from North Cheam.

Many thanks to Maureen for leading and to Frank C and John C for backmarking.

~ Anne C

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