Friday, July 13, 2018

B Group - 11th July

Claygate is a starting venue that offers the chance of numerous opportunities for our rides, I decided to head off in a north westerly direction.  20 of us left the elevenses meeting point and we passed through Esher, Cobham, Ockley and on to Ripley. Here we turned right and made our way along the country roads, Papercourt Lane and Tannery Lane to Send. Again, turning right, we made our way to the outskirts of Woking by way of Old Woking and on to the Cricketers pub at Horsell Birch, arriving at 12:50.

The pub knew we were coming, however unfortunately they didn’t get the lunch orders right and this resulted in one of us having to wait so long for their food to arrive that he decided to forgo eating it, rather snacking on chips, at least he didn’t have to pay for anything! Unfortunate as I say as in the past the pub has served us well.

We left the pub, took Brewery Road and went down the path onto the Basingstoke Canal. Along the very familiar track, leaving it at Scotland Bridge Road. Through Addlestone and onto Weybridge, here Pam kindly showed me a safer, better route along to Walton, well known by the B group riders.
Again, unfortunately, Jennie suffered a double puncture just short of our tea stop, the Theatre, but was able to push the bike to the car park, we had tea and cake and then replaced the inner tubes.       

A very enjoyable ride, good company and great weather.

Thanks to those that marked corners that enabled the ride to keep moving along, and also to Jennie for back marking.


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