Thursday, August 08, 2024

Easy Riders Unchained - August 7th

 A challenging ride, in the region of 45 miles for most of us and over 1800 feet of elevation gain (thanks Strava). The Easy Riders weren't allowed to take it easy!

An eventful day began soon after our departure from North Cheam when John Connaughton crashed - thankfully, no lasting damage - when inadvertently "potholing". Epsom and Ewell Council were promised an all-angles photo depiction of the offending hole.

Nearing Cobham, Karen Cochrane's chain came off. Just a minor irritant, but there were three more instances - not just affecting Karen - of the same problem through the day. This was anything but normal. What was going on here?

The plan hatched took in Ranmore Common and the Watermill on Reigate Road for lunch. It involved a significantly more demanding climb than usual, but the Easy Riders had done it before - admittedly some time ago when we were all a bit younger and fitter! As we took a breather at the top of Critten Lane we had a glimpse of the B group approaching from White Down and turning west. There was barely time to identify them before they had disappeared over the horizon.

Uncertainty about the route crept in after St Barnabas Church. The North Downs Way path, which seemed to be covered in loose slate, loomed uninvitingly so we continued along the metalled road. Half a mile or so later we entered the woods and were faced with a steep, stony downhill path towards Denbies Vineyard. Apologies are owed at this point to John Bayliss on his return to the group after a break since March following a knee replacement. Downhill on foot was the last thing he needed. Blame the leader, John.

What with one or two delays it was going to be a late lunch. Some pubs need to improve their booking arrangements. Last week Helen Tovey had difficulty contacting the London Apprentice in Isleworth and this time around the Watermill did not pick up, despite three attempts. Their loss. The Stepping Stones hasn't always pleased everybody but proved a popular alternative.

Don Elms, playfully (I think), suggested Box Hill. Nervous laughter was the only audible response. We settled for the direct route home via Leatherhead. Unfortunately, Helen detected a worrying noise from her rear wheel and decided to get it checked out.

The weather was kind for the most part, at times a bit breezy but not too hot.

Also on the ride in addition to John Bayliss and John Connaughton were their respective wives Sandy and Anne.

Plus it was good to see Anne Bath, fresh from completing a marathon on Sunday, Dawn Moriarty, Caroline Toop and Ray Wren.

Frank C


Brian Bent said...

Are we not listing pot holes ,and pinpointing them ,or are there too many ?

Helen T said...

It was at the bottom end of Chadacre, outside no.2. But you're right Brian there are loads there.
I used the Cycling UK pothole report link this morning.