Saturday, October 17, 2020

Revised Guidance - Tier 2. Covid Alert Level : High

 London is now included in Covid Alert Level : High. This also includes Elmbridge. This means that if you live in these places you must not socialise with anybody outside of your household in any indoor setting. 

Because many Wayfarers are affected by these restrictions, the Committee have decided to apply the new Covid Alert Level to all Wayfarers Rides. This applies to all rides irrespective of where they are starting from or where they are riding to. It means that groups of six can no longer meet indoors. In future all elevenses, lunch and tea will be taken outdoors. This consistent approach has been taken to ensure the maximum safety of our riders. Therefore, in planning rides, leaders will need to find suitable outdoor venues in order to ensure that they can accommodate groups outside at all times.

As it gets colder ride leaders may prefer to plan a shorter half-day ride which does not include a lunch stop.

In all other respects our Covid guidance remains the same. (Cover - 19 guidelines for group rides are posted on the CTC South West London web-site).

The Committee are confident that we can once again rise to this latest challenge and all work together to continue our mid-week Wayfarers rides.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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