Saturday, March 26, 2022

Invitation to a B Group ride to Wonersh on 30th March

You are invited to join Pete, John and myself for a challenging ride in the beautiful Surrey Hills. We will be riding in terrain which is not frequently visited by B Group, including some very scenic off-road sections and some very narrow lanes.

There are two big climbs in the morning but we will take them at a pace everyone can sustain. With them there are some big enjoyable descents where the most important thing will be to slow down to a speed with which you feel comfortable.

Elevenses will be at the Effingham Vineries. Service is sometimes a bit slow if we are all there at the same time so allow yourselves plenty of time to get there. Our departures will probably be from 10:30 to 11:00.

Lunch will be at the Grantley Arms in Wonersh, a pub which recently received a most favourable review by A Group.

After lunch we will head back towards Cobham. The ride will entail some more climbing, including Halfpenny Lane, a scenic traverse of the Merrow Downs and a 2.5 mile stretch along the A246.

This is our route:

Please let me know by email or by private WhatsApp or Text message (07767 385 596) if you are coming and indicate if you have any preference for an earlier or later start.

Looking forward to seeing everyone



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