Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Ukraine - and cycling. Update 3rd March, Press Release attached.

We feel helpless witnessing tragic events unfolding in Ukraine. Sporting bodies have disassociated themselves from Russia. The UCI has merely raised the Ukrainian flag outside it's Swiss HQ. 


It is time the UCI did more. 

What can we do? At the very least write to the UCI, contact@uci.ch seeking the removal of the Russian Cycling Federation from the UCI. 

Update - further much welcomed action from UCI.



Dave Vine said...

Thanks Ged for highlighting this issue,

Welcome action from the UCI, but does it go far enough? UCI have now banned Russian and Belarusian teams from competing in UCI events, and withdrawn UCI status from cycling events in Russia and Belarus. However the Russian and Belarusian cycling organisations remain members of UCI and have not been expelled, as demanded by some including British Cycling. As a result BC yesterday issued a protest, and have withdrawn from the UEC (The European sister organisation of UCI) to be held in Odense this weekend. BC’s press release is below:-


All of this is important in maintaining the momentum of protest against the destruction which is being inflicted on Ukraine, but probably is of limited immediate help to innocent Ukrainians being killed and driven from their homes by Russian forces. Do whatever you consider appropriate to help, but a good place to start would be the Disasters Emergency Committee appeal launched today:-


Clive J said...

Good to see the IOC have now banned Russian and Belarusian athletes from competing under any banner. Hopefully the UCI will follow suit.