Thursday, March 10, 2022

Report for B Group - 9th March

Thank you Tim and Tim who sub-led our groups on our ride south of Redhill. It was noted by the leader that a few riders commented in a surprised, almost disappointed, manner that the ride was rather flat. Do not worry, I am sure that the next ride into the south or east of our area will more than balance the flatness of the Redhill route.

We were fortunate with the dry weather, although I have to say that once I had settled at home in the evening my face told the story of riding into a cold wind. I know it does not make sense, but it is surprising how often a wind seems to be a headwind, whatever happened to tailwinds!

As always, thank you to all who signed up for our ride and provided such pleasant and enjoyable company for the day.



I was very fortunate yesterday in having such an easy going and compliant group. There were no incidents or issues and everything went according to plan.

After our relatively flat morning ride Terry, Ken, Paul, Colin and I were pleased to meet up with Grant who joined us for lunch at Horley, having made his own way there.

We all enjoyed the very prompt service of the ‘Jack Fairman’ in comfortable surroundings.

Our afternoon ride was complemented by a tail wind that took us to Brockham and beyond. Four of us enjoyed a tea break at Leatherhead outside the Amici cafe prior to making our own way home.

The fact that we were all blessed with fine weather made the day all the more agreeable.

The ride was uncomplicated, stress free and as a result particularly enjoyable.

A good day had by all !

Tim G


The ride down to Redhill always seems like quite a challenge. Not everyone looks forward to it as a warm up for the main event and some choose to have a day off from the official club ride. John and Terry will remember a couple of rides from Redhill and Caterham in the past when there were only the three of us; today there were eighteen. However on such a mild morning getting there wasn't too bad and most of us allowed plenty of time to recover with our cuppa and cake at the Methodist Church Café which set us up nicely for a day on the road. Good to be back in that cosy elevenses venue.

John surprised us all, in a strangely pleasant way, by serving up a route which was fairly flat apart from a couple of bumps. After our leader messed up the route through the town centre, and a couple of miles on the A23, we were pleased to venture away from the busy main roads. Our compact little team of six breezed along through the day and stopped for lunch at The Jack Fairman (JDW) in Horley for lunch and posed afterwards for a passerby on her lunch break while she took our photo.

The afternoon became more and more pleasant as the sky became a richer shade of blue and on such a clear day we had splendid views to the north of Box Hill and the North Downs. We arrived in Leatherhead just a litlle too late for the Amici café where the earlier groups had stopped and after a short debate went back to Charlie and Ginger for our afternoon refreshments.

Thanks to John for coming up with a good route and to my team who were a joy to travel with.

~ Tim C

Yes, I know this map looks fuzzy so you will need to zoom in to 1:1 to see it clearly for which you may have to open it in a separate tab, depending on what browser you are using. Not many people want to know that, as Michael Caine might have said.

1 comment:

Dave C said...

Thank you John for the salubrious route.