Sunday, April 26, 2020

Surrey Ramblings (3)

Three more excursions since my last post.

On 18th I decided to head east for a change. Through Langley Vale and Tattenham Corner towards Banstead and then down Holly Lane ( a first - till now I have only ever been up). Like Mike I was surprised that the car park was open but this was endorsed by a Reigate and Banstead Council banner ( good to see that reasonable people are in charge and kept open the woods where people can distance themselves).   Then right up Chipstead Bottom to Tadworth and on through Walton and across Headley Heath before taking Reigate Road to Leatherhead and home. 20 miles and 1300 ft of acent.

Last Wednesday it was a flatter ride. Almost a repeat of my earlier circuit to Esher and Cobham but this time I went across Ardbrook Common to see the horse's head sculpture mentioned by Don. I had to walk the plank ( literally) across the lake under the railway bridge ( photo courtesy of Ray Wren ).

This time I went to Hersham and as expected the traffic on Seven Hills Road was light enough to make it almost enjoyable. I checked out the coffee shop in Cobham but the presence on two undertakers inside and hearse outside ( only for their coffee, of course) put me off. Onwards to Bookham and home.

So to yesterday. A hillier ride was planned. Should I get the Yukon out for an easier ride or challenge myself with the Tricross. In the end the Tricross won. I saw Mike Withers close to his home in Effingham. He's doing fine and getting out on his bike most days. Then off up Critten Lane and over Whitedown, along the A25 to Westcott and up Logmore Lane. After Dorking just one more hill up Lodgebottom Road to Headley before a swift run down to Ashtead. 25 miles and 2000ft of ascent. A bit of a sprint through Ashtead pushed the avergae speed just over the 12mph.

1 comment:

mike morley said...

Well done Brian oh how I envy you getting those lovely hilly miles in it will be a least a week or two before I can venture out again I am still weak and recovering from my procedure but gradually getting there. Alas today is probably the last of the warm sun which I have been enjoying in my garden. Tuesday we should see some of the much needed rain. Keep pedalling everyone and stay safe1